Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

22 Pa. Code § 57.31. Graduation requirements.


§ 57.31. Graduation requirements.

 (a)  In grades 9 through 12 every student graduating shall have completed 120 hours of instruction in the following 21 units of credit:

Unit of
Social Studies
Arts or Humanities or Both
Health and Physical Education
Student selects five additional courses from among those approved for credit toward graduation by the school including approved vocational education courses.

 (b)  A school shall identify planned courses—§  51.52 (relating to curriculum requirements) curriculum requirement—for which credit shall be awarded. The written planned courses shall be on file at the school and shall be available upon request for review by the Board or its designated representatives.

 (c)  English and Physical Education shall be taught to every student yearly in grades 9 through 12.

 (d)  The following planned courses shall be required and taught to students:

   (1)  English—4 planned courses, each 120-clock hours.

   (2)  Mathematics—3 planned courses, each 120-clock hours.

   (3)  Science—3 planned courses including laboratory sciences, each 120-clock hours.

   (4)  Social Studies—3 planned courses, each 120-clock hours. History and Government of the United States and Pennsylvania shall be taught as required in section 1605 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. §  16-1605).

   (5)  Health—one planned course.

 (e)  A school may offer any of the following planned courses as a unit of credit toward graduation:

   (1)  Foreign Languages.

   (2)  Vocational Education.

   (3)  Business Education.

   (4)  Industrial Arts.

   (5)  Home Economics.

   (6)  Computer Science.

   (7)  Consumer Education.

   (8)  Art.

   (9)  Music.

 (f)  The planned courses may be offered for less than 120 hours and course credit shall be awarded based on the fraction thereof.

 (g)  A copy of the secondary school’s diploma shall be filed with the Board at least 6 months before initial issuance and within 30-days of revision.


   The provisions of this §  57.31 amended under the Private Academic Schools Act (24 P. S. § §  6701—6721).


   The provisions of this §  57.31 adopted June 11, 1968, effective June 26, 1969; amended August 19, 1988, effective August 20, 1988, 18 Pa.B. 3690. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (30567) to (30568).

Cross References

   This section cited in 22 Pa. Code §  57.1 (relating to indoor/outdoor space); and 22 Pa. Code §  59.21 (relating to program of instruction).

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.