Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code



78.121.    Production reporting.
78.122.    Well record and completion report.
78.123.    Logs and additional data.
78.124.    Certificate of plugging.
78.125.    Disposal and enhanced recovery well reports.

§ 78.121. Production reporting.

 (a)  The well operator shall submit an annual production and status report for each permitted or registered well on an individual basis, on or before February 15 of each year. When the production data is not available to the operator on a well basis, the operator shall report production on the most well-specific basis available. The annual production report must include information on the amount and type of waste produced and the method of waste disposal or reuse. Waste information submitted to the Department in accordance with this subsection is deemed to satisfy the residual waste biennial reporting requirements of §  287.52 (relating to biennial report).

 (b)  The production report shall be submitted electronically to the Department through its web site.


   The provisions of this §  78a.121 amended under 58 Pa.C.S. § §  3202, 3215(e), 3218(a), 3218.2(a)(4), 3218.4(c) and 3274; section 5 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. §  691.5); section 105 of the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P.S. §  6018.105); section 5 of the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P.S. §  693.5); section 104 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P.S. §  6026.104); sections 301 and 302 of the Radiation Protection Act (35 P.S. § §  7110.301 and 7110.302); section 3 of the Unconventional Well Report Act (58 P.S. §  1003); section 13.2 of the act of July 10, 2014 (P.L. 1053, No. 126) adding section 1741.1-E of The Fiscal Code (72 P.S. §  1741.1-E); and sections 1917-A and 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. § §  510-17 and 510-20).


   The provisions of this §  78.121 adopted July 28, 1989, effective July 29, 1989, 19 Pa.B. 3229; amended December 16, 1994, effective December 17, 1994, 24 Pa.B. 6284; amended February 4, 2011, effective February 5, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 805; amended October 7, 2016, effective October 8, 2016, 46 Pa.B. 6431. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (377631).

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  137b.73a (relating to gas, oil and coal bed methane).

§ 78.122. Well record and completion report.

 (a)  For each well that is drilled or altered, the operator shall keep a detailed drillers log at the well site available for inspection until drilling is completed. Within 30 calendar days of cessation of drilling or altering a well, the well operator shall submit a well record to the Department on a form provided by the Department that includes the following information:

   (1)  Name, address and telephone number of the permittee.

   (2)  Permit number, and farm name and number.

   (3)  Township and county.

   (4)  Date drilling started and completed.

   (5)  Method of drilling.

   (6)  Size and depth of conductor pipe, surface casing, coal protective casing, intermediate casing, production casing and borehole.

   (7)  Type and amount of cement and results of cementing procedures.

   (8)  Elevation and total depth.

   (9)  Drillers log that includes the name and depth of formations from the surface to total depth, depth of oil and gas producing zone, depth of fresh water and brines and source of information.

   (10)  Certification by the operator that the well has been constructed in accordance with this chapter and any permit conditions imposed by the Department.

   (11)  Other information required by the Department.

 (b)  Within 30 calendar days after completion of the well, the well operator shall submit a completion report to the Department on a form provided by the Department that includes the following information:

   (1)  Name, address and telephone number of the permittee.

   (2)  Name, address and telephone number of the service companies.

   (3)  Permit number and farm name and number.

   (4)  Township and county.

   (5)  Perforation record.

   (6)  Stimulation record which includes the following:

     (i)   A descriptive list of the chemical additives in the stimulation fluid, including any acid, biocide, breaker, brine, corrosion inhibitor, crosslinker, demulsifier, friction reducer, gel, iron control, oxygen scavenger, pH adjusting agent, proppant, scale inhibitor and surfactant.

     (ii)   The percent by volume of each chemical additive in the stimulation fluid.

     (iii)   A list of the chemicals in the Material Safety Data Sheets, by name and chemical abstract service number, corresponding to the appropriate chemical additive.

     (iv)   The percent by volume of each chemical listed in the Material Safety Data Sheets.

     (v)   The total volume of the base fluid.

     (vi)   A list of water sources used under an approved water management plan and the volume of water used from each source.

     (vii)   The total volume of recycled water used.

     (viii)   The pump rate and pressure used in the well.

   (7)  Actual open flow production and shut in surface pressure.

   (8)  Open flow production and shut in surface pressure, measured 24 hours after completion.

 (c)  When the well operator submits a stimulation record, it may designate specific portions of the stimulation record as containing a trade secret or confidential proprietary information. The Department will prevent disclosure of the designated confidential information to the extent permitted under the Right-to-Know Law (65 P.S. § §  67.101—67.3103).

 (d)  In addition to submitting a stimulation record to the Department under subsection (b), and subject to the protections afforded for trade secrets and confidential proprietary information under the Right-to-Know Law, the operator shall arrange to provide a list of the chemical constituents of the chemical additives used to hydraulically fracture a well, by chemical name and abstract service number, unless the additive does not have an abstract service number, to the Department upon written request by the Department.


   The provisions of this §  78.122 adopted July 28, 1989, effective July 29, 1989, 19 Pa.B. 3229; amended December 16, 1994, effective December 17, 1994, 24 Pa.B. 6284; amended February 4, 2011, effective February 5, 2011, 41 Pa.B. 805. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (304395) to (304396).

§ 78.123. Logs and additional data.

 (a)  If requested by the Department within 90 calendar days after the completion of drilling or recompletion of a well, the well operator shall submit to the Department a copy of the electrical, radioactive or other standard industry logs run on the well. In addition, if requested by the Department within 1 year of the completion of drilling or recompletion of a well, the well operator shall file with the Department a copy of the drill stem test charts, formation water analysis, porosity, permeability or fluid saturation measurements, core analysis and lithologic log or sample description or other similar data as compiled. No information will be required unless the operator has had the information described in this subsection compiled in the ordinary course of business. No interpretation of the data is to be filed.

 (b)  Upon notification by the Department prior to drilling, the well operator shall collect additional data specified by the Department, such as representative drill cuttings and samples from cores taken, and other geological information that the operator can reasonably compile.

 (c)  The information requested by the Department under subsections (a) and (b) shall be provided to the Department by the operator, within 3 years after completion of the well unless the Department has granted an extension or unless the Department has requested information as described in subsection (d). If the Department has granted an extension, the information shall be submitted in accordance with the extension, but in no case may the extension exceed 5 years from the date of completion of the well.

 (d)  In accordance with the request of the Department, the operator shall submit the information described in this section for use in investigation or enforcement proceedings, or in aggregate form for statistical purposes.


   The provisions of this §  78.123 adopted July 28, 1989, effective July 29, 1989, 19 Pa.B. 3229; amended March 6, 1998, effective March 7, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 1234. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (194014) to (194015).

§ 78.124. Certificate of plugging.

 (a)  Within 30 calendar days after the well has been plugged, the owner or operator of the well shall submit a certificate of plugging to the Department and each coal operator, lessee or owner who was sent notice by certified mail of the intent to plug the well.

 (b)  The certificate of plugging shall be on a form provided by the Department and contain information required by the Department.

 (c)  The certificate of plugging shall be prepared and signed by two experienced and qualified people who participated in the work, and shall also be signed by the well owner or operator.


   The provisions of this §  78.124 adopted July 28, 1989, effective July 29, 1989, 19 Pa.B. 3229.

§ 78.125. Disposal and enhanced recovery well reports.

 (a)  The operator of a disposal or enhanced recovery well shall submit to the Department, upon request, a copy of the annual monitoring report submitted to the EPA summarizing the results of the operator’s monitoring as required by 40 CFR Part 146 (relating to underground injection control program) when these reports are submitted to the EPA. This summary, at a minimum, shall include the following:

   (1)  Monthly records of major changes in characteristics or sources of injected fluids.

   (2)  Reports of volumes and pressures of injection fluids.

   (3)  Reports of mechanical integrity testing.

   (4)  Other information or reports required to be submitted to the EPA under 40 CFR Part 146.

 (b)  The operator of a disposal or enhanced recovery well shall submit to the Department copies of periodic monitoring reports or reports of failures, releases, accidents or other incidents required to be submitted to the EPA under 40 CFR 146 when these reports are submitted to the EPA.

 (c)  The operator of a disposal well or enhanced recovery well may submit monitoring reports to the Department on a field or project basis rather than on an individual well basis provided manifold monitoring is used.


   The provisions of this §  78.125 adopted December 16, 1994, effective December 17, 1994, 24 Pa.B. 6284; amended March 6, 1998, effective March 7, 1998, 28 Pa.B. 1234. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (194016).

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