Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code



130d.41.    Standards for land application of soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.
130d.42.    Land application rates and procedures.
130d.43.    Additional application requirements.
130d.44.    Limitations on land application of soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.
130d.45.    Prohibited applications.
130d.46.    Daily operational records.
130d.47.    Reports.
130d.48.    Annual operational report.

Cross References

   This subchapter cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.25 (relating to maps and related information); 7 Pa. Code §  130d.51 (relating to general requirements); and 7 Pa. Code §  130d.52 (relating to general exceptions).

§ 130d.41. Standards for land application of soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.

 A person approved to apply soil or groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals resulting from the remediation of an agricultural facility to agricultural land shall comply with the following:

   (1)  The land application and application rate shall be consistent with labeling requirements for the pesticide active ingredients found in the soil or groundwater being land applied and the Department may require a safety factor of 1/2 the label application rate. With regard to fertilizer found in the soil or groundwater being land applied, the application shall be consistent with labeling and standards established by the Pennsylvania Agronomy Guide.

   (2)  The cumulative effect of all pesticides found in the soil or groundwater being land applied shall be consistent with the labeling requirements for each pesticide and may not exceed the labeling rate for any of the pesticides contained in the soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.

   (3)  The cumulative effect of all fertilizers or soil amendments, or both, found in the soil or groundwater being land applied shall be consistent with and not exceed the standards established by the Pennsylvania Agronomy Guide.

   (4)  Proper application techniques set forth and approved by the Department in the applicant’s operational plan shall be followed.

   (5)  Consultants or other individuals directing land application activities shall be certified in the appropriate use category for the pesticides being applied. A certified applicator is required to be onsite at all times during the application of pesticide contaminated soils.

   (6)  Individual soil piles and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals may not be consolidated for application without prior written approval from the Department and the landowner.

   (7)  The Department may approve the application of additional agricultural chemicals, not found in background levels at the proposed application site, to the proposed application site in cases when the application rate will not result in crop injury, illegal crop residues, polluting or fouling of the agricultural land or cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment. The Department will not approve an application of contaminated soil or groundwater where the application is likely to result in crop injury, illegal crop residues, polluting or fouling of the agricultural land or cause unreasonable adverse affects on the environment.

   (8)  The application of agricultural chemicals shall be in compliance with the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973 (3 P. S. § §  111.21—111.61), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947 (7 U.S.C.A. § §  136—136y), sections 6701—6725 of 3 Pa.C.S. (relating to Fertilizer Act), sections 6901—6921 of 3 Pa.C.S. (relating to Soil and Plant Amendment Act), the Pennsylvania Agronomy Guide and any nutrient management plan approved under the Nutrient Management Act.

   (9)  Banned, cancelled or suspended agricultural chemicals may not be applied, as established by the regulations under the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947 and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C.A. § §  6901—6986).

   (10)  Incompatible agricultural chemicals may not be applied. The land application of incompatible agricultural chemicals is prohibited by the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973 and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947.

   (11)  The person responsible for the land application of the soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals shall comply with all local ordinances.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.51 (relating to general requirements).

§ 130d.42. Land application rates and procedures.

 (a)  Application rate. When applying soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals, the approved applicant shall follow the application rates set forth and approved by the Department in the land application proposal and operation plan.

 (b)  Application rates and procedures. The approved applicant shall follow the application rates, standards and techniques in the operating plan and approved land application proposal. The applicant shall assure:

   (1)  The application rate of the various compounds present in each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals adheres to and does not exceed the labeling rate for each compound present.

   (2)  Where more than one pesticide or other agricultural chemical is present in a soil pile or quantity of groundwater, the soil pile or groundwater shall be applied at the most restrictive labeling rate.

   (3)  The soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals shall be applied in a manner that assures an even distribution of agricultural chemicals within the soil pile or quantity of groundwater and ensures the application rate will be uniform across the field application site. In addition, where incorporation is necessary, the incorporation techniques used for soil piles contaminated with agricultural chemicals shall achieve a mixture of top soil and contaminated media and ensure the contaminated media is incorporated to a depth of at least 6 inches. The contaminated media shall be incorporated into the soil at the application site within 24 hours of application.

   (4)  The applicant shall utilize techniques and procedures that assure topsoil will not be lost, removed, stripped off the land or buried under the contaminated soil to be applied. In addition, the techniques and procedures utilized shall assure the application rate will be uniform across the field application area or as close to uniform as is possible given the current technology, machinery and application techniques available.

   (5)  The total amount of nutrients applied through the land application plus other commercial fertilizers, manure and nutrient applications may not violate the provisions of any label, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947 (7 U.S.C.A. § §  136—136y) or the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973 (3 P. S. § §  111.21—111.61).

 (c)  Timetable for land application of soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals. Land application of soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals shall be applied between April 1 and September 30 of each year, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Department.

 (d)  Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947 and Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973. Application, application rates and application techniques used to land apply soil piles and quantities of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals may not violate the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1947 or the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.51 (relating to general requirements).

§ 130d.43. Additional application requirements.

 The approved applicant shall follow the crop rotation and nutrient and pesticide management plans in the approved operating plan. The Department will monitor the operation to assure the plans are being followed.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.51 (relating to general requirements).

§ 130d.44. Limitations on land application of soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.

 When applying soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals the approved applicant shall assure the following:

   (1)  Labeling rates. Pesticide contaminated soil and groundwater shall be applied to a site or crop, or both, in a manner consistent with labeling directions and requirements for that pesticide.

   (2)  Annual crops. In the case of annual crops, the crop shall be grown on the application area during the season that the application is made.

   (3)  Postharvest application. If land application is conducted in the fall or postharvest, the crop following the application shall be suitable for the labeling requirements of the agricultural chemicals contained in the soil and groundwater to be land applied.

   (4)  Site suitability. Site suitability will be based on the land application proposal. The information contained within the land application proposal shall evidence that the rates of application of the soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals will comply with labeling requirements, will not exceed labeling rates, will not exceed additivity requirements and will not cause damage to the proposed application site or adjacent land or water. General slope, drainage characteristics, presence of shallow groundwater, distance to surface waters and suitability for agricultural purposes are some of the characteristics that will be considered.

   (5)  Application of soil piles. To allow for proper incorporation of contaminated soil piles, the soil piles may not be applied overtop of the soil at the application site at a thickness greater than 1/2 inch. The soil piles shall be incorporated into the soil at the application site to a depth of at least 6 inches, unless otherwise authorized by the Department.

   (6)  Application techniques. Soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals may not be applied by any type of spray irrigation equipment or by aerial equipment or any other technique that may cause or lead to excessive drift of the agricultural chemicals contained in the soil or groundwater unless the person has demonstrated in the land application proposal the equipment or technique will not cause aerosol transport offsite or onto a field that will contain an incompatible crop, and the Department has approved in writing this machinery or technique.

   (7)  Ponding and standing accumulations. Soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals shall be applied to the soil surface and incorporated in a manner that prevents ponding or standing accumulations of contaminated soil or groundwater, or both, on or overtop of the topsoil at the application site.

   (8)  Pasturing or grazing. Livestock may not be pastured or allowed to graze on areas where soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals has been applied for at least 3 years subsequent to the application, unless otherwise approved by the Department in writing.

   (9)  Land use and crops. The use that will be made of the proposed application area and the crops that will be grown on the site subsequent to the application of the soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals shall be consistent with the labeling requirements of the pesticides contained in the soil piles or groundwater to be applied.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.51 (relating to general requirements).

§ 130d.45. Prohibited applications.

 (a)  General. The following applications of soil or groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals are prohibited, unless specifically authorized by the Department in writing:

   (1)  An application which would violate any provisions of the act, the environmental protection acts or this chapter.

   (2)  An application to any ‘‘preserved farmland’’ as defined in 4 Pa. Code Chapter 7, Subchapter W (relating to agricultural land preservation policy).

   (3)  An application to soil designated as ‘‘prime farmland’’ as defined under 7 CFR 657 (relating to prime and unique farmland).

   (4)  An application which would render the farmland unusable for agricultural purposes or would cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.

   (5)  An application to a site which would cause the total annual application amounts of an agricultural chemical to exceed its respective labeling application rate.

   (6)  An application that does not comply with existing laws and regulations.

   (7)  An application where the soil or groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals contains a constituent in such high concentrations that it requires a loading rate which would give the media little or no nutrient or soil conditioning value or little or no pesticide value when applied to the proposed application site.

 (b)  Setback areas where land application is prohibited. The operation plan shall address how the applicant intends to comply with this subsection. Soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals may not be applied in the following areas:

   (1)  Within 100 feet of an intermittent or perennial stream as defined in 25 Pa. Code §  271.1 (relating to definitions).

   (2)  Within 300 feet of a water source, as defined in 25 Pa. Code §  271.1, unless the current owner of the water source has provided a written waiver consenting to the activities closer than 300 feet.

   (3)  Within 100 feet of a sinkhole or diversion ditch.

   (4)  Within 100 feet of an exceptional value wetland, as defined in 25 Pa. Code §  105.17 (relating to wetlands).

   (5)  Within 100 feet measured horizontally from an occupied dwelling, unless the current owner thereof has provided a written waiver consenting to the activities closer than 100 feet. The waiver shall be knowingly made and separate from a lease or deed unless the lease or deed contains an explicit waiver from the owner.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.51 (relating to general requirements).

§ 130d.46. Daily operational records.

 (a)  General. The applicant approved to apply soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals to agricultural land shall make and maintain an operational record for each day that the contaminated soil or groundwater is applied. These records shall be maintained in dated files and made accessible to the Department upon request.

 (b)  Contents of daily operational record. The daily operational record shall include the following:

   (1)  The specific soil piles or quantities of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals applied that day, including weight or volume and types and levels of pesticides, fertilizers, soil conditioners, nutrients and other chemicals in each soil pile or quantity of groundwater applied.

   (2)  The technique and equipment used to apply and incorporate each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals, as well as the depth of incorporation.

   (3)  The application rate and calculations evidencing the application rate for each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals are in compliance with this chapter.

   (4)  The specific location of the application of each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.

   (5)  The name, mailing address, county and state of each remediation site from which the contaminated media came and the specific soil pile or quantity of groundwater received from each remediation site. The records shall cross-reference the specific location of the application of each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals.

   (6)  A record of any deviations from the approved land application proposal operating plan.

   (7)  The general weather conditions during application.

   (8)  A record of actions taken to correct deviations from the operating plan or violations of the act, the environmental protection acts or this chapter.

 (c)  Retention. Daily operational records shall be maintained and retained until final approval of the site closure plan required by Subchapter F (relating to closure) by the Department. These records shall be available to the Department upon request.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.4 (relating to retained recordkeeping); and 7 Pa. Code §  130d.47 (relating to reports).

§ 130d.47. Reports.

 (a)  A person who receives approval from the Department to apply soil or groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals, generated as a result of remediation activities at agricultural chemical facilities, to agricultural land shall file an annual operational report or a final report, or both, with the Department. The annual operational report required by §  130d.48 (relating to annual operational report) shall be filed with the Department within 60 days of the end of the 1-year time period running from the beginning of application of the soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals to the application site and each year of operation thereafter. The final report required by §  130d.62 (relating to final report) shall be filed with the Department along with the site closure plan required by §  130d.61 (relating to site closure plan) within 60 days of final closure of the application site. The annual report and the final report may be combined when the application of the contaminated soil or groundwater is completed in 1 year or less.

 (b)  The records and reports shall be submitted on forms prepared by the Department and shall contain the following:

   (1)  The name, mailing address, county and telephone number of the person applying the contaminated soil or groundwater.

   (2)  The name, mailing address, county and telephone number of the owner of the agricultural land upon which the contaminated soil or groundwater is being or has been applied.

   (3)  A copy of the daily records and annual operational report required by §  130d.46 (relating to daily operational records) and §  130d.48.

   (4)  A spread sheet on each soil pile or quantity of groundwater applied cross-referencing the field to which it was applied and documenting the following:

     (i)   The chemical analysis of the specific soil pile or quantity of groundwater applied.

     (ii)   The application method used for each soil pile or quantity of groundwater.

     (iii)   The date of incorporation and depth of incorporation of each soil pile.

§ 130d.48. Annual operational report.

 (a)  General. The applicant approved to apply soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals to agricultural land shall make and maintain an annual operational record. These records shall be maintained according to generally accepted principles.

 (b)  Contents of annual operational report. The annual operational record shall be a compilation of the daily records made and maintained by the approved applicant. The annual operational record shall be a synopsis of the daily records and shall include the following:

   (1)  A synopsis of the weight or volume and types and levels of pesticides, fertilizers, soil conditioners nutrients and other chemicals applied to each field or plot at the application site.

   (2)  A synopsis of the techniques and equipment used to apply and incorporate each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals to each field or plot at the application site and the depth of incorporation at each field or plot.

   (3)  A synopsis of the application rate and calculations evidencing the application rate to each field or plot for each soil pile or quantity of groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals is in compliance with this chapter.

   (4)  A final list containing the name, mailing address, county and state of each remediation site from which contaminated media came that was applied to the site. This list shall identify each soil pile and quantity of groundwater received from each remediation site.

   (5)  A final list, including dates, of any deviations from the land application proposal operating plan.

   (6)  A final list, including dates, of actions taken to correct deviations from the operating plan or violations of the act, the environmental protection acts or this chapter.

   (7)  A current certificate of insurance, as specified in §  130d.26 (relating to financial responsibility), evidencing continuous coverage for comprehensive general liability insurance.

   (8)  A map of the same scale and type required by §  130d.25 (relating to maps and related information), showing the field boundaries where soil and groundwater contaminated with agricultural chemicals was applied, and the volume and type of agricultural chemicals and contaminated media applied to each field or other approved application area.

Cross References

   This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  130d.4 (relating to retained recordkeeping); and 7 Pa. Code §  130d.47 (relating to reports).

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