Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

4 Pa. Code § 119.1. Definitions.

§ 119.1. Definitions.

 The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

   Any water—Water from any source including publicly or privately owned surface or groundwater sources such as springs, wells, streams, or ponds, including fresh water, brackish water, wastewater and water collected directly from precipitation in rain barrels, cisterns or similar containers.

   Arboretum—A place where trees, shrubs and plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes.

   Athletic field—A surface used for organized professional or amateur sports, including racing, contained within marked boundary lines or barriers. The term does not include foul, out-of-bounds or out-of-play areas.

   Beneficial use—Use of any water that is necessary to serve essential health, safety and economic needs, including the maintenance of human, animal and plant life.

   Brackish water—Water containing more than 1,000 parts per million of dissolved salts.

   Commonwealth Drought Coordinator—An officer of the Department appointed by the Secretary of the Department, to carry out responsibilities established in the Pennsylvania Drought Contingency Plan to coordinate Commonwealth planning, preparedness and response action to a drought or water shortage emergency.

   Department—The Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth.

   Designated drought emergency area—The area of this Commonwealth described in the Governor’s proclamation or executive order declaring a state of drought or water shortage emergency.

   Effective conservation—Use of water at the minimum rate necessary for the intended purpose, in a manner that does not result in the use of water for purposes that are prohibited by this chapter and in a manner that does not allow application or runoff of water onto areas that are prohibited by this chapter.

   Fresh water—Water withdrawn from a surface water or groundwater source, or from a public water supply system, located within this Commonwealth other than wastewater or brackish water. The term does not include water collected directly from precipitation in rain barrels, cisterns or similar containers.

   Irrigation contractor—A person who is engaged in the business of design, installation or repair of irrigation equipment as a source of income.

   Mobile equipment—A public, private or commercial automobile, truck, bus, trailer, cart, wagon, railroad car, camper, boat or other type of similar equipment.

   Newly seeded or sodded grass area—A grass area from which all growth was removed or tilled under and to which new seed or sod was applied within the previous 12 months.

   Nurseries—Facilities which are used to grow or keep plants, trees, shrubs, vines, bulbs, cuttings, grafts, flowering annual plants, aquatic plants, seeds, turf, grass, sod or tubers for propagation, distribution or sale.

   PEMA—The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

   Paved surfaces—Any surface, such as streets, roads, sidewalks, driveways, garages, parking areas, tennis courts, decks and patios, which has been covered with concrete, asphalt, tile, wood or other similar materials, but not including walls or vertical surfaces of buildings.

   Professional landscaper—A person who is engaged in the business of installing or maintaining landscape materials as a full-time job.

   Public water supply agency—A ’’community water system’’ as that term is defined in section 3 of the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §  721.3).

   Sand-based athletic field—An athletic field with a man-made root zone that contains a minimum of 60% of sand, by weight, in the top 4 to 12 inches of the root zone.

   Waste water—Water which has been previously used for industrial, municipal, domestic or other purpose, and has not been returned to a surface water or groundwater source.

   Water user

     (i)   An individual, partnership, association, company, corporation, municipality, municipal authority, political subdivision or an agency of Federal, State, county or municipal government.

     (ii)   The term includes the officers, employees and agents of a partnership, association, company, corporation, municipality, municipal authority, political subdivision or an agency of Federal, State, county or municipal government.


   The provisions of this §  119.1 adopted April 26, 1985, effective April 26, 1985, 15 Pa.B. 1737; suspended November 29, 1985, effective November 1, 1985, 15 Pa.B. 4278; amended August 9, 1991, effective August 10, 1991, 21 Pa.B. 3495; amended July 6, 2001, effective July 7, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 3529. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (229893) to (229894).

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