Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

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The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code


 PART I. Department of Environmental Protection
  Subpart A. Preliminary Provisions
   Article I. Administrative Provisions
    Chapter 1. General Provisions   
    Chapter 3. Standards for Administrative Records for Hazardous Waste Sites   
    Chapter 9. Environmental Master Plan   
   Article II. Statements of Policy
    Chapter 11. Outdoor Recreation   
    Chapter 13. Compliance with the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977   
    Chapter 14. Policy for Emergency Mine Subsidence Relief   
    Chapter 16. Water Quality Toxics Management Strategy—Statement of Policy   
    Chapter 17. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 18. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
   Article III. Practice and Procedure
    Chapter 21. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 23. Environmental Quality Board Policy for Processing Petitions—Statement of Policy   
    Chapter 24. Model Procedure for Meaningful Public Participation—Statement of Policy   
  Subpart B. [Reserved]
   Article I. [Reserved]
    Chapter 31. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 33. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 35. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 39. [Reserved]   
   Article II. [Reserved]
    Chapter 51. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 52. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
  Subpart C. Protection of Natural Resources
   Article I. Land Resources
    Chapter 71. Administration of Sewage Facilities Planning Program   
    Chapter 72. Administration of Sewage Facilities Permitting Program   
    Chapter 73. Standards for Onlot Sewage Treatment Facilities   
    Chapter 75. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 76. Solid Waste—Resource Recovery Development   
    Chapter 77. Noncoal Mining   
    Chapter 78. Oil and Gas Wells   
    Chapter 78a. Unconventional Wells   
    Chapter 79. Oil and Gas Conservation   
    Chapter 80. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 81. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 82. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 83. State Conservation Commission   
    Chapter 85. Bluff Recession and Setback   
    Chapter 86. Surface and Underground Coal Mining: General   
    Chapter 87. Surface Mining of Coal   
    Chapter 88. Anthracite Coal   
    Chapter 89. Underground Mining of Coal and Coal Preparation Facilities   
    Chapter 90. Coal Refuse Disposal   
   Article II. Water Resources
    Chapter 91. General Provisions   
    Chapter 92. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 92a. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permitting, Monitoring and Compliance   
    Chapter 93. Water Quality Standards   
    Chapter 94. Municipal Wasteload Management   
    Chapter 95. Wastewater Treatment Requirements   
    Chapter 96. Water Quality Standards Implementation   
    Chapter 97. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 99. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 100. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 101. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 102. Erosion and Sediment Control   
    Chapter 103. Financial Assistance   
    Chapter 105. Dam Safety and Waterway Management   
    Chapter 106. Floodplain Management   
    Chapter 107. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 109. Safe Drinking Water   
    Chapter 110. Water Resources Planning   
    Chapter 111. Storm Water Management—Grants and Reimbursement   
   Article III. Air Resources
    Chapter 121. General Provisions   
    Chapter 122. National Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources   
    Chapter 123. Standards for Contaminants   
    Chapter 124. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants   
    Chapter 125. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 126. Motor Vehicle and Fuels Programs   
    Chapter 127. Construction, Modification, Reactivation and Operation of Sources   
    Chapter 128. Alternative Emission Reduction Limitations   
    Chapter 129. Standards for Sources    
    Chapter 130. Standards for Products   
    Chapter 131. Ambient Air Quality Standards   
    Chapter 133. Local Air Pollution Agencies   
    Chapter 135. Reporting of Sources   
    Chapter 137. Air Pollution Episodes   
    Chapter 139. Sampling and Testing   
    Chapter 141. Variances and Alternate Standards   
    Chapter 143. Disbursements from the Clean Air Fund   
    Chapter 145. Interstate Pollution Transport Reduction   
  Subpart D. Environmental Health and Safety
   Article I. Food Protection
    Chapter 151. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 153. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 155. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 157. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 159. [Reserved]   
   Article II. Institutions and Housing
    Chapter 171. Schools   
    Chapter 173. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 175. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 177. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 179. [Reserved]   
   Article III. [Reserved]
    Chapter 191. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 193. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
    Chapter 195. [Reserved and Renumbered]   
   Article IV. Occupational Health and Safety
    Chapter 201. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 203. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 205. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 207. Noncoal Underground Mines   
    Chapter 208. Underground Coal Mine Safety   
    Chapter 209. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 209a. Surface Mining   
    Chapter 210. Blasters’ Licenses   
    Chapter 211. Storage, Handling and Use of Explosives   
   Article V. Radiological Health
    Chapter 215. General Provisions   
    Chapter 216. Registration of Radiation-Producing Machines and Radiation-Producing Machine Service Providers   
    Chapter 217. Licensing of Radioactive Material   
    Chapter 218. Fees   
    Chapter 219. Standards for Protection Against Radiation   
    Chapter 220. Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections and Investigations   
    Chapter 221. X-rays in the Healing Arts   
    Chapter 222. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 223. Veterinary Medicine   
    Chapter 224. Medical Use of Radioactive Material   
    Chapter 225. Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations   
    Chapter 226. Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Well Logging   
    Chapter 227. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 227a. Radiation Safety Requirements for Non-Healing Arts Radiation-Producing Devices   
    Chapter 228. Radiation Safety Requirements for Particle Accelerators   
    Chapter 229. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 230. Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material   
    Chapter 231. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 232. Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators   
    Chapter 233. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 235. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 236. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal   
    Chapter 237. Rebuttable Presumption of Liability of the Operator of the Regional Low-Level Waste Facility   
    Chapter 240. Radon Certification   
   Article VI. General Health and Safety
    Chapter 241. Designer’s Reports for Regulated Facilities   
    Chapter 243. Nuisances   
    Chapter 245. Administration of the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Program   
    Chapter 250. Administration of Land Recycling Program   
    Chapter 252. Environmental Laboratory Accreditation   
    Chapter 253. Administration of the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act   
   Article VII. Hazardous Waste Management
    Chapter 260. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 260a. Hazardous Waste Management System: General   
    Chapter 261. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 261a. Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste   
    Chapter 262. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 262a. Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste   
    Chapter 263. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 263a. Transporters of Hazardous Waste   
    Chapter 264. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 264a. Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities   
    Chapter 265. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 265a. Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities    
    Chapter 266. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 266a. Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities   
    Chapter 266b. Universal Waste Management   
    Chapter 267. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 267a. Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Facilities Operating Under a Standardized Permit   
    Chapter 268a. Land Disposal Restrictions   
    Chapter 269. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 269a. Siting   
    Chapter 270. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 270a. Hazardous Waste Permit Program   
   Article VIII. Municipal Waste
    Chapter 271. Municipal Waste Management—General Provisions   
    Chapter 272. Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction   
    Chapter 273. Municipal Waste Landfills   
    Chapter 275. Land Application of Sewage Sludge   
    Chapter 277. Construction/Demolition Waste Landfills   
    Chapter 279. Transfer Facilities   
    Chapter 281. Composting Facilities   
    Chapter 283. Resource Recovery and Other Processing Facilities   
    Chapter 284. Regulated Medical and Chemotherapeutic Waste   
    Chapter 285. Storage, Collection and Transportation of Municipal Waste   
   Article IX. Residual Waste Management
    Chapter 287. Residual Waste Management—General Provisions   
    Chapter 288. Residual Waste Landfills   
    Chapter 289. Residual Waste Disposal Impoundments   
    Chapter 290. Beneficial Use of Coal Ash   
    Chapter 291. Land Application of Residual Waste   
    Chapter 293. Transfer Facilities for Residual Waste   
    Chapter 295. Composting Facilities for Residual Waste   
    Chapter 297. Incinerators and Other Processing Facilities   
    Chapter 298. Management of Waste Oil   
    Chapter 299. Storage and Transportation of Residual Waste   
 PART II. State Board for Certification of Sewage Treatment Plant and Waterworks Operators
    Chapter 301. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 302. Administration of the Water and Wastewater Systems Operators’ Certification Program   
    Chapter 303. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 305. [Reserved]   
 PART III. Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Board
    Chapter 401. Mine Subsidence Fund   
 PART IV. Susquehanna River Basin Commission
    Chapter 801. General Provisions   
    Chapter 803. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 804. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 805. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 806. Review and Approval of Projects   
    Chapter 807. Water Withdrawal Registration   
    Chapter 808. Hearings and Enforcement Actions   
 PART V. Delaware River Basin Commission
    Chapter 901. General Provisions   
    Chapter 902. Groundwater Protection Areas   
    Chapter 903. Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale and Other Formations   
 PART VI. Water Facilities Loan Board
    Chapter 951. Water Facilities Restoration Loans   
 PART VII. Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority
    Chapter 961. Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Guidelines   
    Chapter 962. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 963. Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Assistance   
    Chapter 965. Clean Water State Revolving Fund   
 PART VIII. Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Board
    Chapter 971. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 973. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 975. [Reserved]   
    Chapter 977. Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Board   
 PART IX. Environmental Hearing Board
    Chapter 1021. Practice and Procedure   

Cross References

   This title cited in 28 Pa. Code §  17.51 (relating to minimum program activities).

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.