Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 3772 (June 29, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code




30.1.    Purpose and authority.
30.2.    Definitions.


30.11.    Circumstances requiring designation.
30.12.    Organization/agency eligibility.
30.13.    Preference in designation.
30.14.    Procedure for designation.


30.21.    Circumstances requiring redesignation.
30.22.    Preliminary departmental action.
30.23.    Procedure for redesignation.
30.24.    Interim emergency redesignation.


   The provisions of this Chapter 30 issued under The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § §  581-1—581-12), unless otherwise noted.


   The provisions of this Chapter 30 adopted May 23, 1980, effective May 24, 1980, 10 Pa.B. 2040, unless otherwise noted.


§ 30.1. Purpose and authority.

 (a)  The purpose of this chapter is to set forth the procedures to be followed by the Department in designating and redesignating organizations or agencies as Area Agencies on Aging.

 (b)  This chapter is issued pursuant to the authority contained in the act and in conformity with the Older Americans Act of 1965 and Federal regulations issued pursuant to that Act.

§ 30.2. Definitions.

 The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

   Act—Section 6 of the act of June 20, 1978 (P. L. 477, No. 70) (71 P. S. § §  581-1—581-12).

   Area agency on aging—The single local agency designated within each planning and service area to administer the delivery of a comprehensive and coordinated plan of social and other services and activities; local agencies which have been designated as Area Agencies on Aging are listed in Appendix A to this chapter.

   Area plan—The plan submitted to the Department by an Area Agency on Aging describing the methods by which it will ensure a coordinated and comprehensive plan of social and other services and activities in the planning and service area.

   Chief elected officials—County commissioners acting collectively, governing bodies of home rule counties, and mayors of cities with a total population of over 100,000.

   Department—The Pennsylvania Department of Aging.

   Planning and service area—The geographic unit within this Commonwealth, as authorized by the Federal Older Americans Act of 1965, for allocation of funds for the delivery of social services; geographic areas which have been designated as planning and service areas in this Commonwealth are displayed in Appendix B of this chapter.

   Secretary—The Secretary of Aging of the Commonwealth.

   Units of general purpose local government—Counties, and municipalities with a total population of over 100,000.


§ 30.11. Circumstances requiring designation.

 An Area Agency on Aging will be designated for each planning and service area in this Commonwealth. The Department will act to designate an organization or agency as the Area Agency on Aging only when changes in the designation of existing planning and service areas result in the creation and designation of a new planning and service area for which no Area Agency on Aging has been designated.

Cross References

   This section cited in 6 Pa. Code §  30.14 (relating to procedure for designation).

§ 30.12. Organization/agency eligibility.

 In order to be eligible for designation by the Department as an Area Agency on Aging, an organization or agency:

   (1)  shall be:

     (i)   an established office of aging which is operating within the newly-designated planning and service area designated by the Department;

     (ii)   any office or agency of a unit of general purpose local government which office or agency is designated for the purpose of serving as an area agency by the chief elected officials of such unit;

     (iii)   any office or agency designated by the appropriate chief elected officials of any combination of units of general purpose local government to act on behalf of such combination for such purpose; or

     (iv)   any public or nonprofit private agency in the newly-designated planning and service area which is under the supervision or direction for this purpose of the designated State agency and which can engage in the planning or provision of a broad range of social services or nutrition services within such newly-designated planning and service area; and

   (2)  shall provide assurances determined adequate by the Department that it will have the ability to develop an area plan and to carry out, directly or through contractual arrangements, a program in accordance with the area plan within the newly-designated planning and service area.

Cross References

   This section cited in 6 Pa. Code §  30.14 (relating to procedure for designation); 6 Pa. Code §  30.21 (relating to circumstances requiring redesignation); and 6 Pa. Code §  30.24 (relating to interim emergency redesignation).

§ 30.13. Preference in designation.

 In designating an Area Agency on Aging within a newly-designated planning and service area or within any unit of general purpose local government newly-designated as a planning and service area, the Department will give preference to an established office on aging unless it finds that no such office within the newly-designated planning and service area will have the capacity to carry out the area plan.

§ 30.14. Procedure for designation.

 (a)  Preliminary departmental action. Under §  30.11 (relating to circumstances requiring designation) and in order to make a determination regarding designation in a way which will be efficient, appropriate, and equitable, the Department will take whatever preliminary actions it deems necessary. Such actions will include but need not be limited to the determination through an on-site assessment of the capacity of an organization or agency to carry out all the functions of an Area Agency on Aging as specified in the act and in the Federal Older Americans Act of 1965.

 (b)  Issuance of notice of intent to designate. The procedure for issuance of notice of intent to designate shall be as follows:

   (1)  The Secretary will, pursuant to §  30.11 (relating to circumstances requiring designation), and at least 210 days prior to the beginning of the next Area Agency on Aging contract year, issue a written notice of intent to designate an organization or agency as the Area Agency on Aging within a newly-designated planning and service area. This notice will be processed as follows:

     (i)   The notice will be transmitted to the proposed Area Agency on Aging.

     (ii)   The notice will be transmitted to the chief elected officials of units of general purpose local government in the newly-designated planning and service area. The chief elected officials shall present their views to the Secretary in writing within 30 days of being notified. Receipt of such views will be promptly confirmed by the Secretary in writing. In the absence of a response from the chief elected officials in the newly-designated planning and service area, the Secretary will proceed with the process of designation pursuant to this Chapter.

     (iii)   The notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

     (iv)   The notice will be published in newspapers of general circulation in the newly-designated planning and service area.

   (2)  Paragraph (1) supplements 1 Pa. Code §  35.105 (relating to notice of nonrulemaking proceedings).

 (c)  Contents of notice. Notice shall comply with the following:

   (1)  The notice of intent to designate an organization or agency in a newly-designated planning and service area as the Area Agency on Aging issued pursuant to subsection (b) will comply with all of the following:

     (i)   Identify the organization or agency to be designated as the Area Agency on Aging in the newly-designated planning and service area.

     (ii)   State the reason for the issuance of intent to designate.

     (iii)   Announce that a public hearing will be held in the newly-designated planning and service area so as to afford the public an opportunity to give testimony regarding the intent to designate.

     (iv)   Contain the time, the place, and a brief description of the conduct of these hearings and the name, telephone number, and address of the person to be contacted regarding the offering of testimony.

     (v)   Contain any other information the Secretary deems necessary.

   (2)  Paragraph (1) supersedes 1 Pa. Code §  35.106 (relating to contents of notice of nonrulemaking proceedings).

 (d)  Public hearings. The procedure for public hearings shall be as follows:

   (1)  The Department will hold public hearings within 45 days of the transmittal of the notice of intent to designate the Area Agency on Aging in as many locations as needed to assure convenient public access within the newly-designated planning and service area but no sooner than 15 days after publication of the notice of intent to designate in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The presiding officer at these hearings will be the Secretary or his designee. A stenographer will be employed by the Department at all hearings to provide a verbatim transcription of all testimony, a copy of which will be available for public inspection at the main office of the Department.

   (2)  Paragraph (1) supplements 1 Pa. Code §  35.185 (relating to designation of presiding officers) and §  35.131 (relating to recording of proceedings) and supersedes 1 Pa. Code §  35.133 (relating to copies of transcripts).

 (e)  Preliminary decision regarding designation. At least 150 days prior to the beginning of the next Area Agency on Aging contract year, the Secretary will, in writing, notify the organization or agency of his preliminary decision to designate it as the Area Agency on Aging in the newly-designated planning and service area. The organization or agency so notified shall thereupon submit the assurances required by §  30.12(2) (relating to organization/agency eligibility). Such assurances shall be in writing and in a form prescribed by the Secretary and shall be submitted by the organization or agency within 15 days of receipt of the preliminary decision to designate. This form, the statement of assurances, shall be as follows:

Statement of Assurances

 I (we) am (are) in receipt of the Preliminary Decision to designate

(Name of Organization/Agency) as the AAA for the contract year beginning
(date) in
(PSA # and counties included).

 I (we) hereby certify:

 1) that I (we) am (are) authorized to transmit this Statement of Assurances on behalf of the above-named AAA designee; and

 2) that

(name of organization/ agency), if so designated, has the capability to develop an Area Plan responsive to the needs of the older persons in
(PSA # and counties included), and to carry out, directly or through contractual arrangements, a program in accordance with the Area Plan for
(PSA # and counties included); and

 3) that

(name of organization/ agency), if so designated, will abide by the Area Plan which it develops, as well as by any amendments added thereto by the Department; and

 4) that said Area Plan will comply with all applicable regulations, policies, and priorities established by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and by the Administration on Aging of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


 (f)  Final decision regarding designation. Upon receipt and acceptance of these assurances and at least 120 days prior to the beginning of the next Area Agency on Aging contract year the Secretary will:

   (1)  Notify the organization or agency of its designation as the Area Agency on Aging in the newly-designated planning and service area for the coming Area Agency on Aging contract year.

   (2)  Notify the chief elected officials of the units of general purpose local government in the newly designated planning and service area of such designation.

   (3)  Publish such Notice of Designation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

   (4)  Publish such Notice of Designation in newspapers of general circulation in the newly-designated planning and service area.


§ 30.21. Circumstances requiring redesignation.

 The Department will act to redesignate an organization or agency as the Area Agency on Aging within a designated planning and service area when it determines that the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging in the affected planning and service area will not be able to comply satisfactorily with the assurances originally given pursuant to §  30.12(2) (relating to organization/agency eligibility) for the coming Area Agency on Aging contract year or in any other circumstances deemed appropriate by the Secretary. Circumstances leading to such an action may include but shall not be limited to the following:

   (1)  Failure of the Area Agency on Aging to meet the requirements of 45 CFR Part 1321 (1980).

   (2)  Disapproval of the area plan or its amendments.

   (3)  A finding by the Department that the Area Agency on Aging’s administration of the provisions of its approved area plan fails to substantially comply with the requirements of 45 CFR Part 1321 (1980).

   (4)  A finding by the Department that the provisions of an approved Area Plan fail to substantially comply with 45 CFR Part 1321.

   (5)  Receipt by the Department of written statements by agencies, organizations, or units of general purpose local government in the affected planning and service area including the Area Agency on Aging itself requesting redesignation of the Area Agency on Aging and providing justification therefor. The Department reserves the right to reject any requests received pursuant to this paragraph which are accompanied by justifications deemed inadequate or spurious.

   (6)  Any other circumstances unforeseen at the time of original designation.

Cross References

   This section cited in 6 Pa. Code §  30.23 (relating to procedure for redesignation).

§ 30.22. Preliminary departmental action.

 In order to make a determination regarding redesignation which will be efficient, appropriate, and equitable, the Department will take whatever preliminary actions it deems necessary. Such actions will include meeting with the governing authority of the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging, and may include, but not be limited to on-site visits or other communication with:

   (1)  staff of the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging;

   (2)  subcontractors of the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging;

   (3)  other service providers in the affected planning and service area;

   (4)  older persons in the affected planning and service area;

   (5)  the chief elected officials of units of general purpose local government in the affected planning and service area; and

   (6)  any other persons, organizations, or agencies in the affected planning and service area.

Cross References

   This section cited in 6 Pa. Code §  30.23 (relating to procedure for redesignation); and 6 Pa. Code §  30.24 (relating to interim emergency redesignation).

§ 30.23. Procedure for redesignation.

 (a)  Issuance of notice of intent to redesignate. The procedure for issuance of notice of intent to redesignate shall be as follows:

   (1)  Pursuant to § §  30.21 and 30.22 (relating to circumstances requiring redesignation; and preliminary departmental action), the Secretary will, at least 240 days prior to the beginning of the next Area Agency on Aging contract year, issue a written notice of intent to redesignate the Area Agency on Aging. This notice will be:

     (i)   transmitted to the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging in the affected planning and service area;

     (ii)   transmitted to the chief elected officials of the units of general purpose local government in the affected planning and service area;

     (iii)   published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; and

     (iv)   published in newspapers of general circulation in the affected planning and service area.

   (2)  Paragraph (1) supplements 1 Pa. Code §  35.105 (relating to notice of nonrulemaking proceedings).

 (b)  Contents of notice. Notice shall comply with the following:

   (1)  The notice of intent to redesignate the Area Agency on Aging issued pursuant to subsection (a) shall comply with all of the following:

     (i)   State the reason for the issuance of intent to redesignate.

     (ii)   Announce that a public hearing will be held in the affected planning and service area so as to afford the public an opportunity to give testimony regarding the intent to redesignate.

     (iii)   Contain the time, the place, and a brief description of the conduct of these hearings, and the name, telephone number, and address of the person to be contacted regarding the offering of testimony.

     (iv)   Contain any other information the Secretary deems necessary.

   (2)  Paragraph (1) supersedes 1 Pa. Code §  35.105 (relating to contents of notice of nonrulemaking proceedings).

 (c)  Public hearings. The procedure for public hearings shall be as follows:

   (1)  The Department will hold public hearings within 45 days of the transmittal of the notice of intent to redesignate the Area Agency on Aging in as many locations as are needed to assure convenient public access within the affected planning and service area, but no less than 15 days after publication of the notice of intent to redesignate in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The presiding officer at these hearings will be the Secretary or his designee. A stenographer will be employed by the Department at all hearings to provide a verbatim transcription of all testimony, a copy of which will be available for public inspection at the main office of the Department.

   (2)  Paragraph (1) supplements 1 Pa. Code §  35.185 (relating to designation of presiding officers) and §  35.131 (relating to recording of proceedings) and supersedes 1 Pa. Code §  35.133 (relating to copies of transcripts).

 (d)  Preliminary decision regarding redesignation. The Secretary will, within 15 days of the date of the last public hearing held pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, issue his preliminary decision regarding redesignation. This preliminary decision will state the reasons for the decision and will be communicated in writing to:

   (1)  The currently-designated Area Agency on Aging.

   (2)  The organization or agency to be designated as the new Area Agency on Aging in the event the Secretary has preliminarily decided to redesignate an organization or agency within the affected planning and service area.

   (3)  The chief elected officials of units of general purpose local government in the affected planning and service area.

 (e)  Factors to be considered. Before making his preliminary decision regarding redesignation pursuant to subsection (d) the Secretary will consider the following:

   (1)  The impact of redesignation on the provision of services in the designated planning and service area.

   (2)  The comments of the Advisory Council of the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging.

   (3)  All information and findings obtained pursuant to § §  30.21 and 30.22 (relating to circumstances requiring redesignation and preliminary departmental action).

   (4)  All testimony given at the public hearings held pursuant to subsection (c).

   (5)  All other pertinent information in his possession.

 (f)  Notice to the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging of its right to an adjudicatory hearing. Notice to the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging of its right to an adjudicatory hearing shall comply with the following:

   (1)  In the event the Secretary’s decision is to redesignate, he will inform the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging in the affected planning and service area of its right to request a hearing before the Department regarding this decision.

   (2)  The request for a hearing must be in writing and, in order to be considered, must be received by the Department within 30 days of the Area Agency on Aging’s receipt of the Secretary’s preliminary decision. If the currently-designated Area Agency on Aging, after being notified of the preliminary decision pursuant to subsection (d), fails to request a hearing as specified in this subsection, the preliminary decision will become final.

   (3)  Paragraphs (1) and (2) supersede 1 Pa. Code § §  35.226 and 35.231 (relating to final orders and reopening on application of party).

 (g)  Adjudicatory hearing. All hearings held pursuant to subsection (f) will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S. § §  501—508 and 701—704.

 (h)  Final decision regarding redesignation. The Secretary, after considering all of the information obtained under § §  30.21 and 30.22 (relating to circumstances requiring redesignation and preliminary departmental action); all of the testimony given at the public hearings held pursuant to subsection (c); and all of the testimony given at the adjudicatory hearing, if any, will publish notice of a final decision regarding redesignation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, along with the reasons therefor, no less than 100 days prior to the beginning of the next Area Agency on Aging contract year.

Cross References

   This section cited in 6 Pa. Code §  30.24 (relating to interim emergency redesignation).

§ 30.24. Interim emergency redesignation.

 (a)  Whenever circumstances in a designated planning and service area render the designated Area Agency on Aging immediately incapable of complying with the assurances specified in §  30.12(2) (relating to organization/agency eligibility), the Department will—all other provisions of this chapter notwithstanding and in order to guarantee the uninterrupted provision of services—take all appropriate action, including but not limited to acting immediately to redesignate an organization or agency as the Area Agency on Aging on an interim emergency basis. Such redesignation shall remain in effect as long as necessary, but in no case longer than 180 days.

 (b)  Within the 180-day period specified in subsection (a), the Department will make a final decision regarding redesignation in the affected planning and service area. In so doing, the Department will follow the procedures specified in § §  30.22 and 30.23 (relating to preliminary departmental action and procedure for redesignation); except that it will not be required to act within the time limits specified in these sections.

   Editor’s Note: The following document is being codified under 1 Pa. Code §  3.1(9) (relating to contents of Pennsylvania Code) as a document which the Legislative Reference Bureau finds to be general and permanent in nature.

October 18, 1985

01Erie County Area Agency on Aging
Greater Erie Community Action Committee
18 West Ninth Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16501
02Active Aging, Inc.
1034 Park Avenue
Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335
03North Central Pennsylvania Office of Human Services
Post Office Box A
Ridgway, Pennsylvania 15853
04Beaver County Area Agency on Aging
599 Market Street, W.B.
Beaver, Pennsylvania 15009
05Aging Services, Inc., of Indiana County
Airport Offices & Professional Center
R.D. 3
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
06Allegheny County Adult Services/Area Agency on Aging
300 Arrot Building
401 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
APPENDIX A (Continued)
07Westmoreland County Office of Aging
2482 South Grande Boulevard
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
08Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Eastgate 8
Monessen, Pennsylvania 15062
COUNTIES SERVED: Washington/Greene/Fayette
09Area Agency on Aging of Somerset County
147 East Union Street
Post Office Box 30
Somerset, Pennsylvania 15501
10Cambria County Area Agency on Aging
R.D. 3, Box 614
Ebensburg, Pennsylvania 15931
11Blair County Office of Services for the Aging
1320-24 Twelfth Avenue
Altoona, Pennsylvania 16601
12Bedford/Fulton/Huntingdon Area Agency on Aging
406 East Pitt Street
Post Office Box 46
Bedford, Pennsylvania 15522
COUNTIES SERVED: Bedford/Huntingdon/Fulton
13Centre County Area Agency on Aging
Willowbank Building
Holmes and Valentine Streets
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823
14Lycoming/Clinton Bi-County Office of Aging
Post Office Box 770
352 E. Water Street
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania 17745
COUNTIES SERVED: Clinton/Lycoming
15Columbia/Montour Aging Office, Incorporated
702 Sawmill Road, Suite 201
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 17815-7727
COUNTIES SERVED: Columbia/Montour
APPENDIX A (Continued)
16Northumberland County Area Agency on Aging
905 Juniper Street
Shamokin, Pennsylvania 17872
COUNTIES SERVED: Northumberland
17Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Incorporated
116 North Second Street
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837
18Mifflin/Juniata Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Post Office Box 750
Lewistown, Pennsylvania 17044
COUNTIES SERVED: Juniata/Mifflin
19Franklin County Office for the Aging
Franklin Farm Lane
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201
20Adams County Area Agency on Aging
100 North Stratton Street
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325
21Cumberland County Office on Aging
35 East High Street
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013
22Perry County Office for the Aging
Court House Annex, South Carlisle St.
New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania 17068
23Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
25 South Front Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101
24Lebanon County Area Agency on Aging
710 Maple Street Room 209—Senior Centers
Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042
25York County Area Agency on Aging
141 West Market Street
York, Pennsylvania 17401
APPENDIX A (Continued)
26Lancaster County Office of Aging
50 North Duke Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602
27Chester County Services for Senior Citizens
14 East Biddle Street
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380
28Aging and Adult Services
Montgomery County Court House
Norristown, Pennsylvania 19404
29Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
30 East Oakland Avenue
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
30Delaware County Services for the Aging
Second and Orange Streets-Government Center
Media, Pennsylvania 19063
31Philadelphia Corporation on Aging
111 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
32Berks County Area Agency on Aging
15 South Eighth Street
Reading, Pennsylvania 19602-1105
33Lehigh County Area Agency on Aging
Court House Annex
523 Hamilton Street
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101
34Northampton County Area Agency on Aging
Gracedale-Southwest Ground
Gracedale Avenue
Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064
APPENDIX A (Continued)
35Wayne/Pike Area Agency on Aging
Pike County Program Office
400 Broad Street
Milford, Pennsylvania 18337
36Area Agency on Aging for the Counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Tioga, Inc.
220 Main Street, Unit 2
Towanda, Pennsylvania 18848
COUNTIES SERVED: Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna/Tioga
37Luzerne/Wyoming Counties Bureau for Aging
111 North Pennsylvania Boulevard
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701
COUNTIES SERVED: Luzerne/Wyoming
38Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging
Lackawanna County Office Building
200 Adams Avenue
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
39Carbon County Area Agency on Aging
Post Office Box 251
Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 18229
40Schuylkill County Area Agency on Aging
13-15 North Centre Street
Pottsville, Pennsylvania 17901
41Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging
211 Ogden Avenue
Post Office Box 550
Clearfield, Pennsylvania 16830
42Jefferson County Area Agency on Aging
Jefferson County Service Center
R.D. 5
Brookville, Pennsylvania 15825
APPENDIX A (Continued)
43Area Agency on Aging Experience, Inc.
900 Fourth Avenue, Post Office Box 886
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
44Venango Area Agency on Aging
Venango County Bureau of Human Services
Post Office Box 1130
Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323
45Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging
125 Queen Street
Kittanning, Pennsylvania 16201
46Lawrence County Area Agency on Aging
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Inc.
20 South Mercer Street
New Castle, Pennsylvania 16101
47Mercer County Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Human Services Complex
120 South Diamond Street
Mercer, Pennsylvania 16137
48Monroe County Area Agency on Aging
62 Analomink Street
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18301
49Clarion County Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
12 Grant Street
Clarion, Pennsylvania 16214
50Butler County Area Agency on Aging
165 Brugh Avenue
Butler, Pennsylvania 16001
51Potter County Area Agency on Aging
Mapleview Health Center
Route 872
Coudersport, Pennsylvania 16915


Area Agency on Aging

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