Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin

• No statutes or acts will be found at this website.

The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 54 Pa.B. 7100 (October 26, 2024).

Pennsylvania Code




   Title 101 (General Assembly) is published for information purposes only under 45 Pa.C.S. §  702 (7). The Director of the Legislative Reference Bureau finds this document to be general and permanent in nature. This document is not a rule or regulation, and it may be modified at any time without notice as circumstances may require.
 PART I. Legislative Reference Bureau
  Subpart A. Preliminary Provisions
    Chapter 1. General Provisions   
    Chapter 3. Organization and Function of Bureau   
  Subpart B. Legislative Procedure Manual
    Chapter 5. Preliminary Provisions   
    Chapter 7. General Assembly   
    Chapter 9. Legislative Documents   
    Chapter 11. Printing and Distribution of Final Enactments   
  Subpart C. Legislative Drafting Manual
    Chapter 13. General Provisions   
    Chapter 15. Statutes   
    Chapter 17. Other Legislative Documents   
    Chapter 19. Forms   
  Subpart D. Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Style Manual
    Chapter 21. General Provisions   
    Chapter 23. Format and Style   
    Chapter 25. Codification Procedures   
    Chapter 27. Forms   
  Subpart E. Statements of Policy
    Chapter 31. Right-To-Know Law   
 PART II. Joint State Government Commission [Reserved]
 PART III. Local Government Commission
    Chapter 301. Compilation and Distribution of Publications   
    Chapter 303. Right-to-Know Law—Statement of Policy   
 PART IV. Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    Chapter 401. Access, Maintenance and Disclosure of Records—Statement of Policy   
 PART V. Legislative Data Processing Committee
  Subpart A. Preliminary Provisions
    Chapter 501. General Provisions   
  Subpart B. Computer Systems
    Chapter 521. LDPC Acceptable Use Policy   
    Chapter 551. Legislative Intranet   
 PART VI. Pennsylvania Commission on Interstate Cooperation [Reserved]
 PART VII. Capitol Preservation Committee
    Chapter 701. Right-to-Know Law—Statements of Policy   

Cross References

   This title cited in 1 Pa. Code §  1.7 (relating to Statutory Construction Act of 1972 applicable).

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This material has been drawn directly from the official Pennsylvania Code full text database. Due to the limitations of HTML or differences in display capabilities of different browsers, this version may differ slightly from the official printed version.